The Estonia’s Friends International Meeting is a joint initiative launched by President of Estonia Mr Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Enterprise Estonia and the entrepreneur Mr Margus Reinsalu to thank and recognize business, political and cultural figures whose actions and advice have helped Estonia to become a truly European country with a dynamic economy and thriving culture.
The sixth Estonia’s Friends International Business Meeting was opened at July 9th by the seminar “Estonia – the country where stuff happens first” hosted by Enterprise Estonia and featuring Daniel Vaarik (Member of the President’s Academic Advisory Board), Taavi Kotka (CIO of the Government of Estonia), Ain Aaviksoo (Permanent Undersecretary for e-Health services at the Ministry of Social Affairs), Marten Kaevats (Curator of the Tallinn Architectural Biennal 2015) and Damir Tomicic as keynote speakers. The seminar discussed the smart solutions available in Estonia.